Focusing on the Blur

"We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results." -Herman Melville

Friday, January 26, 2007

Second Step

Re-read my "First Step" post from October 2nd. The second step has finally arrived. I've quit, arrive derci-ed, adios-ed. What you wonder?, stopped smoking - no idiots, I don't smoke, stopped picking my nose in public - that's up for question. Here it is. I've quit my job. It's been good while it lasted, but I've been unhappy for some time and I had to re-prioritize; health, relationships, work. From the previous; work, hate work, relationships that also hate my work, because I can't stop saying how upset I am with my job. I've made friends and learned so much about life. It's a scary step and I seriously thought last night "what did I just do?", but I have peace and seriously folks if you want one thing in life, it's PEACE, 'cause heck it's an amazing thing to have. I'll miss coming to work and riding up that elevator, saying "good mornin'" to Dorothy and heading off to my little cubicle with Alcove (my beta, from my cool friend Snipes) and my green plant, but life is more than material things. You have to LOVE what you do and if you don't then you need to go find what you love and do that. Life is too short, waaaay too short and it's not worth it to waste one moment of it on something that you can't take with you. I have faith and confidence. I am who I am and I don't ever want to forget that. Jobs come and go, but you always have to live with yourself...leave no stone unturned! I love whoever is reading this and I hope if there's one thing you understand about this post is that I'm following my heart and life is worth learning from. "Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering" Fanny J. Crosby. "For the Lord God is a sun and a shield. The Lord gives grace and glory; He does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity" Psalms 84:11

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


What to do when the weather's been below 10 degrees for 3 straight days? Go outside and play of course and play hard. It was rather frigid, but that didn't keep me from heading to the mountains to try out snowboarding in sub-zero temperatures. I believe the temp. when we were driving in was -6 (that's the lowest I've seen my car thingy read). Seth and I were bundled, were talking many, many, many layers, but did that keep the cold out? Nope. Apparently it isn't a good idea to have even slightly tight snowboarding boots when the mercury dips below 0. At first I thought I was being a pansy and then I thought maybe I'd lost my ability to handle pain, the thought of exhaustion also crossed my mind, but this was the first run down the frigid mountain, so that one was quickly tossed out. I slowly made my way down the mountain, my toes felt like they were in a vice grip, then on a razor blade, then I was sure they just fell off. I walked off the slopes looking like a toddler with a loaded diaper and a bad case of "pigeon feet". The thought of frost bite crossed my mind, then was tossed aside, until....I went inside. The warmth of the indoors reminded me that my toes had not fallen off, they were still very securely on my feet, except I rather wished they weren't there anymore. They were returning to life and with that the sobbing started, scaring all little children within eyesight. My toes were what scared me and they were indeed frostbitten. FYI: anyone who has never had frost bite, this is by far one of the most miserable and painful experiences of a lifetime. Two hours later I was back on the slopes and I felt like a new person. Thankfully, I do still have all 10 toes and I'll probably be buying a new pair of snowboarding boots!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Kissing Dragons

I really didn't think it was that important to keep up a blog, until my friend Snipes told me otherwise. I caught the tiniest curl of the lip in disgust when he shared this trivial piece of information with me and that's when I determined to remedy the situation. Even though he will be moving far, far away I thought perhaps I can amend a friendship gone awry. Here's to you ole' snipiolio! Eat your heart out!