Focusing on the Blur

"We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results." -Herman Melville

Monday, June 18, 2007

The stuff you eat on

The dining room/ kitchen table / incredible piece of art is the inspiration for today's long awaited blog (to all my cheering, wish I had been a fan, fans...the hiatus is over, I shall begin blogging again). I know the engagement saga was getting a bit overread...
So on to the kitchen table. For those of you who have been lucky enough to enter my humble place of living you know of which table I speak. It's the signature extraordinaire, of drama and war. War being, which one of the sisters will get the table and drama being the meals that have been served on its expressive surface. We thought of cutting it, having weekly visiting rights or maybe the winter months with one, the summer months with the other. Where the table, I'm sure, feels very loved and wanted, we must think with our minds and not our hearts. I get the table. For those of you who were cheering for Jess, it was better this way. The table needs its own that honors it's beauty, not a space shared with a table of pretentious demeanor. Yes, that means Jess gained a table upon the day of her nuptuals. The table whose name has been left confidential for security purposes, shall abide in my loft, but not before going through a major makeover. It was beginning to run ragged. I'm still debating over the sanity of my choice to change the color from white to iced espresso and to sand the rough edges down. This could take a while. We will see what happens as we close this chapter of our sisterly bachelorettehood. Check back for photo updates on the beauty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once ate a meal at that table. It made the meal more magnificent. The dog that roamed around the table however, made the meal less magnificent.

6/18/2007 8:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have to admit that I expected more than that from you DS. That dog shone (so he might have smelled a little)... you know this...

7/19/2007 12:33 PM  

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